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Publishers of renga, renku, haibun and other fine work, but mostly renku.Site Navigation
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JRR3 update
Volume 3 of Journal of Renga & Renku is currently at an advanced stage of preparation. During the course of NH summer/SH winter we experienced unforeseen but unavoidable delays, and... -
the Little Book of Yotsumonos
Darlington Richards are pleased to announce the launch of the Little Book of Yotsumonos. John Carley’s recently-designed four-verse renku format is represented by 60 poems, wherein Carley collaborates with such... -
2012 Renku Contest
Prior to our call for content for Journal of Renga & Renku, Issue 3, we are delighted to announce this year’s renku contest which will be judged by Dr Chris...
JRR3 – Contributors List
Toyoko Aisawa: I live in Tokyo and teach Japanese Language and Japanese Culture to the foreign students at UNU-ISP and UNU-IAS, travelling to Shibuya and Yokohama once a week to meet with my students. I first composed kasen in the 1970s with Professor Suzuki Yukio of Waseda University, and Father Peter Milward of Sophia […] -
the Little Book of Yotsumonos
Darlington Richards are pleased to announce the launch of the Little Book of Yotsumonos. John Carley’s recently-designed four-verse renku format is represented by 60 poems, wherein Carley collaborates with such well-known haikai poets as Hortensia Anderson, Lorin Ford, Carole MacRury, Sandra Simpson, William Sorlien and Sheila Windsor, together with an introduction to the form. “I […] -
2012 Renku Contest
Prior to our call for content for Journal of Renga & Renku, Issue 3, we are delighted to announce this year’s renku contest which will be judged by Dr Chris Drake, long-time professor of Japanese literature at Atomi University in Japan. Details below: Entry fee: None Deadline: 1 October 2012 Prizes 1. The winning poem […] -
Journal of Renga & Renku 2: list of contributors
Hortensia Anderson considers renku an instrument of transformation as well as intimacy. She lives in the East Village in NYC with her bengal leopard cat, Camellia. Jeffrey Angles is an associate professor of Japanese and translation at Western Michigan University. Much of his research on Japanese literature focuses on expressions of erotic desire of modern […]